Area rugs top list for consumer wish list
Say you inherit $10,000 that must be spent on decorating your home. What products would you buy? Which room would you upgrade first? And, would you use some of the new found money on an interior designer?

More than 1,600 consumers, as part of Home Accents Today and Apartment Therapy’s exclusive 2014 survey, thought about this scenario and provided us with answers.

Overwhelmingly, consumers answering the survey would buy an area rug. In fact, seven out of 10 respondents would purchase a rug with the inherited money. Rugs are chosen as the top product, across all age groups, income levels and areas of the country.

In fact, seven out of 10 respondents would purchase a rug with the inherited money. Rugs are chosen as the top product, across all age groups, income levels and areas of the country. Three-fourths of all Millennials, with adults between ages 18 and 33, would buy a rug; as would 70% of Generation X, ages 34 to 49; and 67% of Baby Boomers, between ages 50 and 68.

Framed wall art is the second most popular product, chosen by 58% of the overall sample, followed by lamps at 55% and accent chairs and occasional tables, each by 51%. Source: Home Accents Today, 9/1/14 edition

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