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What you don’t know is a disadvantage.
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Make a better first impression than any of your competitors with the enormous knowledge base available from Media Group Online. For more than 20 years, TV stations and their advertising account executives have relied on our reports to give them an advantage.
Because the more you know about your prospects and clients’ industry and business before the first contact, the more likely you’ll be viewed as a trusted advisor and important resource instead of just another person selling advertising.
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“Through key points in Media Group Online’s ‘Concert, Music, and Theater’ presentation and the ‘Family Fun Week’ promotion idea that I amended to fit for Cirque du Soleil, I was able to secure a $15,000 buy.”
“I scheduled a meeting with a new prospect, a Lasik surgery center, and used Media Group’s information to close for a $24,000 annual. The client commented on how professional the presentation was and how, compared to the other account execs, I was the most prepared and informative. We were able to get 100% of the TV budget buy. Thank you.”