Source:, November 2019

Today’s consumers are turning to their phones at every touch point of the purchase process. Smartphones are the most used tool for sharing and gathering information on the path to purchase.

It is no surprise that this shift in shopping behavior can largely be attributed to the digital revolution and the rise of Millennials and Gen Z: an audience that has money to spend and that is ramping up economically. Together, Millennials and Gen Z have over $1 Trillion in direct spending power . They are a valuable audience that is hard to reach and whose attention is hard to maintain, but on Snapchat, we’ve got their attention.

Snapchat is a place for real friends and friendship on Snapchat is reciprocal. It’s not one-way sharing, but rather a two-way conversation. Which is why Snapchatters are coming back over 30x a day , on average, and spending over 30 minutes a day. Our heavily engaged and active community is looking to their friends and family for purchasing advice on what to buy and where to buy it.

Snapchatters are omni-channel shoppers and expect seamless shopping experiences that bridge the gap between online and offline.

By reaching Snapchat’s omni-channel shopping community, Retailers will be able to win over consumers’ hearts and wallets at every pivotal purchasing moment.