Digital Advertising Can’t Yet Deliver Traditional Media’s Strengths

No one would deny the value of advertising on digital media – other than it is a complex and often contradictory mix of channels and platforms that are immature compared to traditional media. Even TV, the “youngest” traditional medium, is approximately 70 years old as an advertising platform.

Although digital media generates an enormous amount of data, even the largest brands and retailers still don’t have the technologies, know-how and people to benefit from all of its value.

Viewership of digital ads is also problematic compared to TV or even out-of-home media. How do you determine the value of an ad a Website or social media visitor may only see for a second or a video, which many consumers say distracts them from the purpose of their visit?

Despite the forecast of 67% of all media spending being allocated to digital advertising during 2021, its primary strength is to serve as a complement to traditional media.

In a June 23 MediaPost commentary, Andy Ehlen, senior media planner/buyer at Grady Britton, lists five strengths of traditional media which digital media can’t yet match.

“More real estate” – Traditional media offers more places and spaces to tell a brand’s story.

“Added value” – With the use of promotions and other well-established added value opportunities of traditional media, and often at no additional cost, ad dollars deliver more than digital.

“Content alignment” – Although digital ads target audiences based on their online browsing and buying, many consumers still complain those ads aren’t relevant to them. Conversely, traditional media advertisers are more likely to connect with an audience when their messages appear next to the content their target audiences loyally view.

“Endorsement opportunities” – Social media influencers certainly generate interest and loyalty among digital audiences, but they are not the on-air personalities who have been influencing and gaining the loyalty of their viewers and listeners for decades.

“Internal alignment” – Brand and local advertisers are much more likely to see their traditional media ad campaigns than digital ad campaigns, which are typically more narrowly targeted. When brands and advertisers can “bask in the glory” of their campaigns, they are more likely to have a positive perspective and ready to invest in future campaigns.

When your pitches must counter the attraction of digital media, use the five strengths of traditional media to help your prospects and clients benefit from both traditional and digital and the strength of their complementary nature.