(Image credit: MagicTorch.com)
Source: www.techradar.com, May 2022

Apple’s ready to take us on a wild ride

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A new Apple patent hints at how the company could use VR to entertain passengers traveling in an autonomous car — while also helping reduce motion sickness to boot.

The released schematics reveal how a driverless car and a VR headset could work together to keep travelers entertained on their journeys. VR headset wearers could be dropped into a game, or they could invite friends and celebrities to be their virtual travel companions.

On the business side, the patent (first mentioned on PatentlyApple) also showed how users could attend a business meeting while on the move – on the back of a flatbed truck no less. Rather than being confined to a virtual meeting room, you’d be able to look out at passing scenery, so you’d be less likely to become disoriented and motion-sick.

Figures from the Apple Patent showing a meeting in a truck and a serene boat ride

Figures from the Apple Patent showing a meeting in a truck and a serene boat ride (Image credit: Apple)

Alternatively, the headset could mix up your method of transportation. For a more relaxing adventure, you could be treated to a boat ride down a river, while those after a more high-octane thrill could see zombies chase after their vehicle in a post-apocalyptic scenario.