So, you’ve decided to build an app for your restaurant. Good call! You are on your way to a new and improved service that you’re customers will love. Unfortunately, just having an app is not enough to get people to download and use it. You will actively have to work at increasing downloads and keeping your app top of mind.

Here are 5 ways to get your customers to download your app:

1. Optimize for the App Stores

App Store Optimization focuses on optimizing your app listing in the app stores. Besides being found in the ocean of apps, you want your app to look as appealing as possible when a user finally lands on your app’s listing. App screenshots are the first impression your app gives a potential customer. In fact, screenshots comprise of almost 75 percent of the app listing the App Store search result page. So to make your app more persuasive, use enhanced screenshots to highlight the value of your app. Enhanced screenshots feature the images, as well as accompanying text to explain the apps main features. Think of your screenshots from a copywriting perspective and make sure you highlight everything you would in a landing page. You should pick those screenshots that best explain your app’s purpose, while answering these 2 questions: “What problem does the app solve?” and “What is unique about it?”

2. Plan a launch event

Planning a launch event can help you stand out from all the other businesses in your area. This event doesn’t have to be a full-blown party (yet it can be!), but there should be a designated day that you plan to launch your app. Don’t just publish your app as soon as it’s approved by Apple and Google, instead opt for a manual launch with a specific date and time. Maybe you’re an Italian restaurant who wants to launch the app on National Pizza Day. Maybe you want to pick a Thursday, because you’ll have the perfect amount of time to ramp up for the weekend. Either way, pick a launch date that makes sense, and that you will be ready for. Make sure to have extra staff on hand that day to help promote the app, explain the benefits, show customers how to download it, and of course to account for the influx of customers.

3. Promote the App

You need to build hype around your app and get people excited about it. Promote your app in as many ways as possible to reach your current customer as well as new ones. As a rule of thumb, your promotional communication should contain a persuasive offer that convinces customers to download your app immediately (more on this below).

  • Social media: Use your existing social media channels to promote your app. Share the information on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.
  • Promotional material: Create print collateral, including posters, flyers, and table cards, to help your app gain visibility. You can even use this same material before you launch your app by adding a “coming soon” tagline.
  • Website; Make sure to highlight the app on your website by adding the app icon and link. If you have a mobile website, you can give your customers the option to redirect to the app instead.

4. Incentivize downloads

The most important component to getting customers to download your app is offering them something in return. You have to give a little to get a little (or a lot). In this case, the barriers to download are lowered by making it worth your customers’ while. The two most attractive rewards are discounts and free products according to consumers, so these are guaranteed to increase downloads. Your offer should be promoted throughout your restaurant, along with a description of the app’s main benefits. Here’s how you can put this into words: “Download our app and get a free slice of pizza” or “25 percent off your first order when you download the app.” Make sure to communicate these benefits to the consumer before they complete their purchase, so their experience at your establishment exceeds their expectations.

5. Train your staff

The only way you can make your app a success is if you train your staff on its existence, its benefits, and its use. Especially being in the food and dining industry, your staff members are going to be your most important app promoters. They should know how to introduce and “sell” the app to customers, as well as assist in its download if needed. At the least, your entire staff should be aware of the app, but ideally, they are all experts on it. It might even be helpful to hang an informational poster in the employee breakroom or by the checkout counter to create staff awareness and alignment.


by Andrew Gazdecki

Source:  Fast Casual, June 2017