Snapchat Provides Insight into the Effectiveness of Snap Ads Within its Discover Shows

|Content and Social Media Manager
Source:, June 2021

Snapchat’s original Discover shows are hugely popular with its users, with the short episodic format aligning with modern video consumption shifts, and gaining significant traction with younger audiences.

Indeed, earlier this year, Snapchat reported that over 90% of the US Gen Z population watched Shows and publisher content in Q4 2020, while many Snap Originals now see tens of millions of viewers on average, including programs like ‘Ryan Doesn’t Know’ starring Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds, which was watched by more than 20 million users.

Snap’s Originals could mark a significant shift into the next phase of video consumption, with audiences now spending more and more time online, and increasingly less time watching traditional TV programming.

US TV vs online video data

Which could make Snap’s Discover ad options increasingly valuable.

To highlight the potential here, Snapchat recently conducted a survey, in conjunction with Nielsen, to ascertain the branding benefits of advertising within Discover shows, and how that relates to brand favorability and recall.

As explained by Snapchat:

“Online video ads on Snapchat Discover come in the form of Commercials, 6-second, non-skippable ad formats that are delivered in our Shows. Our content, which is curated and brand-safe by design, features partners such as E! The Rundown and ESPN Sportscenter, as well as exclusive shows like the upcoming star-driven series Charli vs. Dixie and Off Thee Leash With Megan Thee Stallion.”

To test the value of Commercials, and provide insight into the potential for brands, Snapchat partnered with a range of advertisers across six verticals to run a series of “16 multi-cell hypothesis tests”. Snapchat found that adding Commercials can significantly improve promotional results in the app.

“Not only did the addition of Commercials boost metrics, it actually drove double the lifts across the funnel.” 

Snapchat commercials study

Snapchat also found that its Discover content commercials increased efficiency in ad awareness by 65%.

Snapchat Commercial study

As per Snap:

“Even though these non-skippable, premium ads command a higher CPM, the incremental lift they create far outweighs the higher price points.”

Essentially, Snap is pitching its Discover ads as a viable alternative, at least in some ways, for traditional TV advertising. And the stats don’t lie – and while not all brands will be able to generate the same results with their Snap Commercial efforts, the increased consumption of Snap’s shows puts the app in a unique position to facilitate reach, and tap into evolving video consumption behaviors in this respect.

It won’t be for all brands, being at a higher price point, but the data here shows that Snap’s Discover ad options could be a valuable way to increase brand awareness with younger audiences, and could be worth considering in your process.

You can check out Snapchat’s full Discover Commercial study here

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