News Is a Big Driver of Consumers’ Actions

A new study from Disney Ad Sales and Magna affirms what local TV stations and savvy advertisers have known for many years: News is one of the best advertising platforms to connect with consumers.

According to the study, when viewers trust and respect news sources research intent increases 25%, brand favorability increases 21% and purchase intent increases 21%. The study also showed those three consumer actions by the subcategories of news.

Impact of Ads by News Subcategories, 2021

News Subcategories

Research Intent

Brand Favorability

Purchase Intent









Human interest




Race & culture








Hard news




 Disney Ad Sales and Magna, February 2022


Interestingly, the research also showed a display ad in sports and entertainment news increases research intent much more than a video ad, or +7% and +2%, respectively. Video ads scored much higher than display ads in sports and entertainment news for brand favorability (+7% vs. +3%) and purchase intent (+5% vs. 0%).


Product ads score much better than perception ads in the hard news subcategory, however, perception ads are more valuable than product ads in the race & culture news subcategory.


Impact of Ad Types in the Hard News and

Race & Culture News Subcategories, 2021

Ad Type

Research Intent

Brand Favorability

Purchase Intent

Hard News




Product ad




Perception ad




Race & Culture News




Product ad




Perception ad




Disney Ad Sales and Magna, February 2022