(Image credit: Alphabet)

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Source: www.nexttv.com, March 2023 

More than twice as many streaming consumers choose to peruse YouTube than the next closest competitor, The Roku Channel, according to an opt-in panel of 5,000 homes

As much as TVOS companies try to surface relevant content suggestions to us across silo’d streaming services, most of us still go app to app to find what we want to watch when we turn on our smart TVs.

And “pole position” — being the first app chosen for perusal — remains a huge advantage.

According to an opt-in panel of 5,000 U.S. households conducted by TVision Insights, YouTube was chosen first by 24.2% of respondents.

That was more than twice as many as the No. 2 app, The Roku Channel, and nearly three times more than Netflix.

(Image credit: TVision Insights)

YouTube is also the leader in terms of time spent using the app in the U.S. CTV ecosystem.

(Image credit: TVision Insights)

There are other notable tidbits in TVision’s “State of CTV Advertising” report, which was released last week.

Not surprisingly, since the end of 2020, TVision found a huge uptick in the consumption of ad-supported connected TV viewing, which is up 55%.

(Image credit: TVision Insights)

Meanwhile, YouTube may be the default app for the most streaming consumers, but Netflix remains the leader in terms of penetration/reach into U.S. homes, with 61% reporting that they have the app in their TVOS.

(Image credit: TVision Insights)