Source:, May 2023

Wunderkind has launched WunderKIND ads, a platform that gives brands the ability to serve ads to potential customers only after they have finished an online session.

The tool delivers user-first ad experiences across a curated list of over 200 publishers.

“Traditional ads on publisher sites “often disrupt the user experience, regularly causing them to exit out of an ad immediately and leave,” says Bill Ingram, CEO, Wunderkind.

But WunderKIND Ads “will not render on page load,” Ingram adds. Instead, the goal is to “recognize real-time behaviors to find and serve visitors at the best time available.”

This news follows release of Wunderkind’s Kindness In Advertising report, showing that 95% of users find ads interruptive. In addition, 92% feel digital ads have become more instrusive over the past few years.

However, 68% are most likely to engage with an ad when completely disengaged from content, while 60% say they prefer to see ads only when they’ve finished engaging with publisher content.

WunderKIND Ads is now being utilize by brands such as Coca-Cola, Apple, KFC, IBM, Dell and Paramount.

MediaCom found that WunderKIND Ads “delivered on a wide range of objectives for us; everything from upper funnel awareness and engagement down to lower funnel on-site actions, registrations and purchases,” says Tito Flores III, client investment lead, MediaCom.